About us

About Us

TealFeel, a part of TravelK (www.travelk.co) is a specialist brand focused on wildlife conservation, environmental preservation and personal wellness.

With the changing times and a heightened awareness of the world around us, coupled with our personal passion in wildlife and nature, we felt it was time to give our planet its due focus. As a company experienced in curated luxury travel, we’ve extended that vision to bring to life this focus.

Traveling the TealFeel Way: At TealFeel, we believe in travel that contributes in a way that protects the planet – animals, the environment and people. Our pledge is to only create experiences that are rooted in conservation, preservation and wellness.

We hope to shine a spotlight on our partner hotels and lodges that are doing true wildlife conservation and environmental preservation and bring conscious luxury travellers to them in a respectful and responsible manner.

We also believe personal wellness is a natural outcome of a preserved world because the air we breathe and the food we eat has a direct impact on our overall wellbeing. We have partnered with specialist retreats and spas across the world focusing on this so our clients get the best rejuvenation therapies they need.